A totally different fire extinguisher – the Fire Safety Stick

A totally different fire extinguisher – the Fire Safety Stick

Pioneer Agri is now stocking a totally different and innovative fire extinguisher – the Fire Safety Stick!

The Fire Safety Stick has many advantages over traditional fire extinguishers. Firstly, it is incredibly light compared to heavy, bulky pressurised extinguishers and yet has a much, much longer discharge time. Because it is non-pressurised, it doesn’t need annual servicing by an external fire safety company, unlike pressurised extinguishers. Plus, it has at least a 15-year shelf life! It’s really durable, too; drop it, and it will not activate by accident.

Uniquely, it works by chemically interfering with the oxygen of the flame but does not restrict the oxygen of the user at all. In fact, it is entirely safe to use around people and animals alike. It is clean, leaving no harmful, corrosive mess, and is environmentally friendly and recyclable.

It is fully certified for more types of fire classes too, so there is no dangerous gambling checking to see if it is suitable to use on a particular fire (Including cooking oil and kitchen fat fires). The Fire Safety Stick will never make a fire worse. If the fire is too large in a confined space, you can activate it and leave it in the room while you escape to safety. It will continue to discharge its vapours, repressing the fire in your absence. This unique feature means it can extinguish chimney fires, unlike other extinguishers on the market.

The Fire Safety Stick is manufactured in Italy, and each comes with a free mounting clip.

If you’d like to know more about the Fire Safety Stick, call us on 01522 695272 or call our trade counter on Pioneer Way, off Doddington Road in Lincoln (LN6 3DH).