New Brooms For A Guaranteed Grain Store Clean Sweep

New Brooms For A Guaranteed Grain Store Clean Sweep

We’ve just taken delivery of some new brooms – ideal for cleaning grain stores!

At Pioneer Agri, we offer the complete range of brooms – Soft Synthetic, Natural Medium Stiff Bassine and Stiff Poly Bristle.

All our platform brooms are fitted with a unique broom clamp, which secures the handle firmly to the brush head in a way not found on any other brush. These super-strong brushes are available in 18″, 24″, and extra-wide 36″ widths.

As well as the Pioneer Agri range, we also stock the 30 Gorilla Broom, which boasts unique features such as an integrated scraper blade, making ‘stuck bits’ even easier, as well as; an anti-clog channel which cuts down flying dust for a clean sweeping action, all the while avoiding clumping. The broom even performs well in the wet, as the non-porous polymer head and bristles soak up 0% fluid.

If you’d like to know more about our range of brooms or require prices, please call 01522 695272, email, or fill in our contact form.